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mardi 19 février 2013

New blog !! (so you don't have to see 4x4's here anymore ;) )

Hey guys!!
Hey tout le monde!

Hope you're all having a great week :) 
J'espère que vous passez une bonne semaine :)

I've been having a busy time back in France, but it's time for me to head back to Morocco tomorrow.
Pour ma part mes vacances en France se terminent, il temps pour moi de rentrer au Maroc demain.

Just a quick post today to let you know that 
I have a new blog : 

Un blog rapide aujourd'hui juste pour vous annoncer que j'ai un nouveau blog :
As you've probably guessed from the title it's about my 4x4 trips. I've been posting a lot about my off road adventures recently and find that they don't really belong on this blog of mine and deserve one of their own. 
Vous l'auriez sans doute deviné, ce blog est consacré à mes aventures en 4x4. Ces derniers temps je publie pas mal d'articles sur mes périples avec la Jeep, et je trouve que ce sujet n'a plus sa place sur ce blog et mérite d'avoir un blog séparé.

Of course I'll still be keeping this blog going :) It will just be all the 'cars' stuff that will be posted on the other one.
Bien sur que je vais continuer avec ce blog aussi :) C'est seulement tout ce qui est 4x4 et quad qui ne sera plus publié ici.

Ok, now I'm going to ask for a little favor... 
I would really  love it if you lovelies could find a spare moment to check out and maybe leave a comment letting me know what you think of it! And maybe if you like it, and are interested in my little adventures around Morocco in the Jeep, follow it (would make me sooo pleased!!) :)
Ca me ferai plus que plaisir si vous pouvez trouver un peu de temps pour jeter un coup d'oeil a et si vous les souhaitez laisser un petit commentaire pour me dire ce que vous en pensez! Merki merki ^^

Take care!
A bientôt!

16 commentaires:

  1. Congratulations and good luck to this new blog!!

    Already following sweety!
    follow me back?


  2. congrats Bel!! read your comment on my blog!! so you can now delete it with no worries, just send you short mail to you!!
    Big hug and take care sweetie
    Maria aka Wiccana

  3. New follower there. It's great to read about your adventures with your jeeps and gadgets :D Keep it up :)

  4. I luv to read your adventures & I've already become a member . Good luck for other adventures as well.
    Noor @ Noor's Place

    1. Thanks Noor! Pleased to hear that you like my adventures :)

  5. this is your best post :) I really like it:)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following sweety!! Loved your post! Amazing one (: Stop by me soon!xx

    Kisses ♥

  7. Hi dear
    Wish the best for your new blog!
